SpineMED®’s patented design represents the latest evolution in non-surgical decompression technology. SpineMED® provides a Non-surgical, Drug-free procedure for bulging and herniated discs, radiating leg pain, numbness in the arms, and more.
Based on years of clinical experience, and feedback from healthcare professionals in the field, the SpineMED® system was designed to overcome the limitations and untoward side-effects found with previous devices. Click here to watch the video in French.
Back and neck pain are the number one complaints in North America, affecting 80% of us at one time or another. These problems often mean a permanent loss of some function, forcing us to give up things in life no one should have to give up. The highly advanced SpineMED® is a NON-SURGICAL, DRUG-FREE procedure that is EXCEPTIONALLY COMFORTABLE. It offers hope where other decompression* systems fail.